Saurabh Kumar
Mentor, Fine Arts & Printmaking
Saurabh grew up in Ranchi, and realised he had a talent for the visual arts very young. He pursued a Bachelor's and subsequently a Master's Degree from the prestigious Kala Bhavana in Santiniketan in 2022. While pursuing his education, he participated in numerous exhibitions and community-led art camps that gives him a unique outlook on life as an artist.
He is exceptionally skilled at painting and creating complementary colour palettes that have an uncanny ability to change the mood with just a slight variation in pigments. His expertise extends to even more art forms like sketching and printmaking. In his art, he enjoys observing the passage of time in his immediate environment and material exploration as a means for story-telling.
Apart from Fine Arts, he is a fantastic Tattoo Artist and a social entertainer.